With the many issues we face within the world today, the biggest issue is that of race and this issue is directly related to intercultural communication and respect. One of the biggest issues is regarding the Identity and history of the people descendant from the Diaspora like most communities of African-American descent. The lack of self-awareness of the identity and history of African-Americans has been the root cause of many issues that plague this ethnic group. These issues include violent crime, teen pregnancy, high school dropout rates, inner city murder rates, and the black male incarceration percentage. Many articles have been written on those aforementioned rates and percentages. I will explain and correct the lack of self-awareness of the ethnic identity and history among African Americans.
With issues like those mentioned above, one has to realize that there’s a deeply rooted and complicated issue within the African-American community. This issue is both overlooked, and ignored politically because the majority of White America, both the youth and the older citizens rather not discuss this complex issue. However, until the complexity of this issue regarding ethnic identity is discussed; the descendants of the Diaspora, scattered across the world in every nation and/or culture will continue to bear witness to intercultural tension and violent crime within this ethnic group. In his book, The Destruction of Black Civilization, scholar Chancellor Williams informs us that history has proven that a number of tactics were employed by anthropologists to blot out "black" accomplishments. Here is a list of Williams’ observations about how anthropologists chose to operate:
1. “Ignore or refuse to publish any facts of African history” that would not support their racial theories.
2. “Create a religious and ‘scientific’ doctrine” to ease the white conscience for oppressing and enslaving African people.
3. “Flood the world with hastily thrown together African ‘histories’” that contain European perspectives only.
4. “Start renaming people and places. Replace African names of persons, places, and things with Arabic and European names.” This will disguise their true black identity.
5. Change the criteria for defining race. For example, one drop of Negro blood in America makes you a Negro, no matter how light your skin. When reporting ancient history, reverse the standard. Make one drop of white blood render someone a Caucasian no matter how dark the skin.
6. When black participation in civilization is so obvious your best schemes can’t hide it, find a way to attribute the success to outside white influence.
7. When all the ancient historians contradict your theory, seek to discredit them.
According to Foundations of Intercultural Communication by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama, to understand identity you have to understand yourself. Since identities are multiple and influenced by society, the descendants of the Diaspora, highlighted by the famously ridiculed African-American people, has fully integrated into the society of White America and every society they live within today. This development of integration has shaped the “social” identity of the people of the Diaspora. If one observes the musical, athletic, and artistic arts which includes dance, martial arts, sports (which includes running, jumping, agility, unbelievable conditioning), and musical compositions of virtually every instrument including unbelievable vocal compositions you will quickly see how important the social identity of African-Americans has become to that nation. However, with the integration of other wicked sub-identities like religious, sexual, and social identities, the ethnic identity of African-American’s is often overlooked by today’s generation for various reasons.
Some African and White American’s would just rather move on or act like it just didn’t happen. That’s fine for that individual, but a people without an ethnic identity is a people lost of values, morals, oral traditions, and cultural respect. Identity is defined in many ways and sub-categories according to the Foundations of Intercultural Communication. However, your ethnic identity is a sense of belonging to a particular group. Being called “Black” does not trace African-American’s to a particular ethnic identity. Neither does it connect to any historical culture beyond American history of “blacks.”
If you think all blacks on the landmass of Africa are Africans by ethnicity you are misled by popular European teachings that’s rooted in racism. Negro’s are not Hamitic/African by ethnicity, they are an intermixture of Asiatic and select Hamitic tribes i.e. Canaanites ((Gen. 38:6)), Egyptians ((Gen. 41:45)). The Negro’s color can be high yellow like some Asians, light brown and/or tan as some Arabs, and pitch black like some African tribes. Our facial features are vastly different, our lung capacity is scientifically proven to be different, and our athletic ability is different. The Negroid race encompasses the true Arabs, the true Israelites, some African tribes, some Asiatic tribes, Edomites. The Negro people in ethnicity is a huge people divided by royal classes then separated by clans and tribes like the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 princes of Ismael ((Gen 17:20)).
Consider: You don’t group all whites as European do you? Then why group all people of black skin as African? That’s the most elementary and prejudice speech anyone who proclaims any scholarly or highly educated background can make. That’s an elementary way to discredit yourself and your work even on a scientific basis.
1. “The Africans” – Not all blacks are African. Not all whites are European. You have “Black Europeans” who were actually kicked out of Europe or mascaraed. You have white African’s who actually are a sub-class of interbreeding between albino members for multiple generations. You have the Negroid class that represents the Israelites, Arabs, Hebrews, and some Asians; which is not ethnically African. A large majority of whites are NOT European by race they are albino’s that left the landmass of Africa generations ago to avoid persecution from the Black/Brown skin ethnic groups of Hamitic and Shemitic origin. This persecution probably occurred way before the birth of the famous Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Consider the fear surrounding Noah when he was born of albino skin. Hence, that’s why the hate between these two genetic groups is so large. There’s been hidden history regarding the hate of albino’s towards the melanated clans and ethnic groups of Hamitic and Shemitic origin. Many Chinese and Japanese are really East and South African albino’s who migrated northward to escape the witchcraft crimes that was done to them in large numbers. Hence the Japanese proverb: "For a samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood." These acts of witchcraft against albinos are still carried out today in Africa.
2. “The Blacks” – Another term that is used by many scholars that does not fully represent anyone in a specific manner. Who are the blacks and what clans do they have? Why aren’t they described specifically? Why don't “the blacks” get the same specific individualistic treatment as the “Russians” or the “Germans” or the “Turks”?
3. “Negro” – The word Negro does not apply to all Africans. That’s another misnomer that many scholars use to identify a people who have clans, classes, and tribes. Not all African’s are Negro. Not all Negro’s are African. Not all African-American’s or descendants of the Diaspora are Negro. There’s a fundamental difference with this. The hair and facial features of a person can tell you if they are “Negro” or not.
These misnomers are from people who do not understand that Africa is a landmass just as Europe is a landmass. Not all blacks are Hebrews; therefore not all blacks are of Negro descent. To identify people and properly discuss these subjects one has to have a solid knowledge on the migrations and regions these people came from.
Need More Proof? Consider:
“Jews of European origin are a mix of ancestries, with many hailing from tribes in the Caucasus who converted to Judaism and created an empire that lasted half a millennium, according to a gene study. The investigation, its author says, should settle a debate that has been roiling for more than two centuries. Jews of European descent, often called Ashkenazis, account for some 90 percent of the more than 13 million Jews in the world today. According to the so-called Rhineland Hypothesis, Ashkenazis descended from Jews who progressively fled Palestine after the Moslem conquest of 638 AD. They settled in southern Europe and then, in the late Middle Ages, about 50,000 of them moved from the Rhineland in Germany into eastern Europe, according to the hypothesis. But detractors say this idea is implausible. Barring a miracle –which some supporters of the Rhineland Hypothesis have in fact suggested — the scenario would have been demographically impossible. It would mean that the population of Eastern European Jews leapt from 50,000 in the 15th century to around eight million at the start of the 20th century. That birth rate would have been 10 times greater than that of the local non-Jewish population. And it would have occurred despite economic hardship, disease, wars and pogroms that ravaged Jewish communities. Seeking new light in the argument, a study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution, compares the genomes of 1,287 unrelated individuals who hail from eight Jewish and 74 non-Jewish populations. Geneticist Eran Elhaik of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, trawled through this small mountain of data in search of single changes in the DNA code that are linked to a group’s geographical origins. Such telltales have been used in past research to delve into the origins of the Basque people and the pygmy people of central Africa. Among European Jews, Elhaik found ancestral signatures that pointed clearly to the Caucasus and also, but to a smaller degree, the Middle East. The results, said Elhaik, give sound backing for the rival theory — the “Khazarian Hypothesis.” Under this concept, eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, a hotchpotch of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries AD and, influenced by Jews from Palestine, converted to Judaism in the 8th century. The Judeo-Khazars built a flourishing empire, drawing in Jews from Mesopotamia and imperial Byzantium. They became so successful that they sent offshoots into Hungary and Romania, planting the seeds of a great diaspora. But Khazaria collapsed in the 13th century when it was attacked by the Mongols and became weakened by outbreaks of the Black Death. The Judeo-Khazars fled westwards, settling in the rising Polish Kingdom and in Hungary, where their skills in finance, economics and politics were in demand, and eventually spread to central and Western Europe, according to the “Khazarian Hypothesis.” “We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaised Khazars, Greco-Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews and Judeans,” says Elhaik. “Their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga, with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.” Many things are unknown about the Khazars, whose tribal confederation gathered Slavs, Scythians, Hunnic-Bulgars, Iranians, Alans and Turks. But, argues Elhaik, the tale sketched in the genes is backed by archaeological findings, by Jewish literature that describes the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism, and by language, too. “Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language” before being reclassified as High German, he notes. Another pointer is that European Jews and their ancestral groups in the Caucasus and Middle East share a relatively high risk of diseases such as cystic fibrosis. The investigation should help fine-tune a fast-expanding branch of genomics, which looks at single-change DNA mutations that are linked with inherited disease, adds Elhaik.”
Need More Proof? Consider:
Black is a color and scientifically speaking there is technically no such thing as a black or white race. There’s clans, tribes, and classes of people divided into their landmass either by inheritance or migration. The most popular and recent term used to identify this ethnic group is “African-American.” Likewise, this doesn’t reconnect this ethnic group to any historical or cultural understanding beyond American history. Since Africa is 11,668,545 sq. km, compare that to the United States’ 3,678,235 sq. mi., Europe’s 3,979,405 sq. mi., and China’s 3,681,089 sq. mi. That means you could fit all three of these countries with room for more in the continent of Africa, and that’s not including North-East Africa which was most recently renamed after World War II to the Middle East.
Therefore, it’s quite evident since there’s so many places and nations within Africa which includes the Middle East that the ethnic labels of “black”, “African”, “Negro”, and “African-American” does not fully reconnect the identity or history of this ethnic group. In order to correct the problem we face within Intercultural racism we must face the issue of identity among this ethnic group. The most frowned upon term was the label “Negro.” Since the term Negro has many racial bywords connected to it, many African-American’s have pushed away from it. This term has been used to ridicule the descendants of the Diaspora across the world in every nation and culture. However, this was the most accurate term that could possibly reconnect the African-American’s to a historical and ethnic identity. Contrary to popular folk-tale the term Negro has been around for some time.
Even finding itself in ancient Hebrew manuscripts such as Acts 13. Niger in Latin means Black. The ancient term would be Nigri. The city mentioned in Acts 13 was Cyrene which was a city in Libya located in North Africa. The historian Tacitus who lived during 90 CE tells us the following: "Many assert that the Hebrew’s are a race of Ethiopian origins." A noted scholar, J.A. Rogers commented, "For the Romans to have considered them Ethiopians is a clear indication of their color, because the Ethiopians are a known black people". Tacitus also said that the Hebrew’s were Egyptians, who left Egypt during a disease outbreak.
Keep in mind that the majority of tribes and clans within Africa identified themselves with the biblical tribes mentioned in Scripture. This holds true today since many African people still go by the names written of their ancestors thousands of years ago in Scripture. Therefore, Biblical historians also noticed this phenomenal occurrence. According to the Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary pg. 330:
“(Ham) the youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, Canaanites.”
In addition, the New Standard Encyclopedia Vol. 4 states:
“(Ham) The third son of Noah, according to the tradition, Ham had four sons: Kush, Mitsrayim, Put, and Canaan. As its well know, North Africa is peopled by tribes of dark complexion but white blood. They’re known as a Hamitic group, the more important are the Barbers and Egyptians... other tribes are so intermixed with Negro blood it is difficult to say whether they are white or Negroid. However wide spread the custom, it is not correct to speak of a Negro as a son of Ham.”
This clearly shows us that many historians considered that the ethnic group identified as a Negroid race was separate from any ethnic group of Hamitic or African origin. This leads me to the history of African-Americans. Since it has been fundamentally exhausted to use the terms “black”, “African”, “African-American”, and “Negro” interchangeably with all people of black and brown skin tones, we have lumped many great cultures and dynasties into one ethnic group which is disastrous. By undermining these great cultures we demoralize their histories as well. The Bible is a good beginning point to read about the history of these aforementioned African tribes. But what about African-American history? When you look closely you will see that the Negro ethnic group is identified as an Afro-Asiatic group of people based in North Africa. The Negroid race encompasses the Arabs before the invasion of the Turks, some Asiatic tribes located in China after the Out of Africa migrations, some African tribes located in Nigeria, and a mixture of Canaanite (Gen. 38:6) and Egyptian (Gen. 41:45) bloodlines that made up some of the most famous tribes of Israel like Judah and Ephraim.
Therefore, the history of the African-American people can be traced back to a vast majority of people of Afro-Asiatic origin located throughout Africa. These people include the Ethiopian Jews, Arabs, Dravidians of India, the Israelites: Bantus – Igbo, Yoruba, Kaffir, Bo, Grebo, Maribuck, Mavumba, Akra, Fanti, Akin, Kongo, Ashanti, Hutus, Beta Yisrael, Sudan Hebrews, Bacongo, Makua, Bassa, Edom, and many other notable classes of Nilotic fashion. The Negro ancestry in the Promise Land of Israel has been a hotly debated topic for over a hundred of years between many Eurocentric historians. Between the years 1857 and 1932, the New York Times reported that a black tribe from Africa established themselves in Palestine. Keep in mind this was during an era of racism and Jim Crow laws.
Skulls and thighbones of the indigenes of this culture were unearthed and studied for the first time between 1928 and 1932. The archeological sites were first pin-pointed at Shukbah near Jerusalem and later in caves at Mount Carmel. As always happens with the discovery of the earliest African global Diaspora, the western archeologists who carried out the digs designated them with an almost meaningless and obfuscating appellation the Natufians.
This has been a reoccurring theme with many Negro discoveries related to Israel and Judaism. The first authoritative account of the first and original Black African Israelites aka the Natufian was given by Sir Arthur Keith to the congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. It was perceived then to be one of the greatest riddles of archaeology. According to Sir Arthur, these original Israelites were clearly a Black people of African descent. Keep in mind that many historians fail to identify if it’s a Negro people or African people, but according to Sir Arthur Keith’ description, it’s clearly a Negro ethnic group of people. Keep in mind that Osteological analysis gave scientific backing to this theory. They had classical West African facial features as well as doliocephalic skull index (i.e. long large heads). Sir Arthur had stated:
“Several features stand out quite definitely first the Natufians were a long-headed people – they had cap shaped occiputs (the lower back part of the head). Secondly, the dimensions or their heads were greater than in the pre-dynastic Egyptians. Thirdly, their faces were short and wide. Fourthly, they were prognathous (with projecting jaws). Fifthly, their nasal bones were not narrow and high, but formed a wide, low arch. Sixthly, their chins were not prominent, but were masked by the fullness of the teeth-bearing parts of the jaw. Many of them were short and stocky with remarkable developed thighs and legs. They also had a custom of extracting the two upper central incisor teeth of their women.”
On a lighter note, it is recalled that some eminent Eurocentric scholars had taken exception to Sir Arthurs conjectures. The late Pleistocene Natufian sample from Israel is the source from which that Neolithic spread was derived, there was clearly a sub-Saharan African element present of almost equal importance as the Late Prehistoric Eurasian element. Unlike any present race, these original African Israelites may have been ancestors of all the later day Semites including the later day African-Americans, Jews, and Arabs of the biblical times in Sir Arthur’s opinion. The close connections of those original African Israelites to the wider Mediterranean coastal civilizations are underlined by noted physical and cultural resemblances between the two populations. Larry Angel (1972) noted:
“One can identify Negroid traits of nose and prognathism appearing in Natufian latest hunters. The Natufians had physical and cultural affinities with the Neolithic or late Stone Age men of Malta (the founding people of the Aegean and Greek cultures) and the remoter Aurignacian men of Southern Europe (who established much of the modern European stratum). Linkages have also been noted between the African Israelites and the ancient Ur of the Chaldees and the prehistoric man of South Africa.”
Since the discovery by Sir Arthur, many Eurocentric historians and Archeologists have pressed forward to search for more evidence in an effort to discredit this finding. That has led many to West Africa where recent discoveries was made that before the Arab Slave trade began, and before Islam conquered North Africa with its Jihad’s, that the majority of West Africa had built "Jewish" Hebrew Kingdoms and flourished for a thousand years. This has led many Historians to believe that the original inhabitants of "Jewish" Hebrew Kingdoms was actually from Israel. In addition, many Historians are now turning to Africa to look for any traces of Biblical evidence the Ark of Noah. In Rudolph R. Windsor’s book From Babylon to Timbuktu, on page 84, he accurately states:
“In the year 65 B.C. The Roman armies under General Pompey captured Jerusalem. In 70 A.D. General Vespasian and his son, Titus, put an end to the Jewish state, with great slaughter. During the period of the military governors of Palestine, many outrages and atrocities were committed against the residue of the people. During the period from Pompey to Julius, it has been estimated that over 1 million Jews (Israelites) fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and slavery. The slave markets were full of Black Jewish slaves. The Jewess, Kahena, Queen of the Berbers, leading the armies of the consolidated Berber tribes against the invading armies of the Arab mercenaries in the year 694.”
If this history is taught within the communities of the descendants of the Diaspora highlighted by the African-Americans, it will begin to resolve the many issues that are rooted in self-destruction taught by generations of mental Slavery, sub-standard education, and sub-standard living conditions based off of Torah-less behavior. With this self-awareness the people of the Diaspora will reconnect to their ethnic identity and history.
Works Cited
Altaf, Simon. Hidden Truths Hebraic Scrolls. 2013 Print.
Williams, Chancellor. The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. Chicago: Third World, 1987. Print.
Thomas K. Nakayama, and Judith N. Martin. Foundations of Intercultural Communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2010. Print.
Windsor, Rudolph R. From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of Ancient Black Races including the Black Hebrews. [S.l.]: Authorhouse, 2011. Print.
BONES OF CANNIBALS A PALESTINE RIDDLE; Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES; New York Times 1857; Aug 4, 1932; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 – 2003) pg. 21
"Gene Study Hopes to Settle Debate over Origin of European Jews | The Raw Story." Gene Study Hopes to Settle Debate over Origin of European Jews | The Raw Story. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2013.
With issues like those mentioned above, one has to realize that there’s a deeply rooted and complicated issue within the African-American community. This issue is both overlooked, and ignored politically because the majority of White America, both the youth and the older citizens rather not discuss this complex issue. However, until the complexity of this issue regarding ethnic identity is discussed; the descendants of the Diaspora, scattered across the world in every nation and/or culture will continue to bear witness to intercultural tension and violent crime within this ethnic group. In his book, The Destruction of Black Civilization, scholar Chancellor Williams informs us that history has proven that a number of tactics were employed by anthropologists to blot out "black" accomplishments. Here is a list of Williams’ observations about how anthropologists chose to operate:
1. “Ignore or refuse to publish any facts of African history” that would not support their racial theories.
2. “Create a religious and ‘scientific’ doctrine” to ease the white conscience for oppressing and enslaving African people.
3. “Flood the world with hastily thrown together African ‘histories’” that contain European perspectives only.
4. “Start renaming people and places. Replace African names of persons, places, and things with Arabic and European names.” This will disguise their true black identity.
5. Change the criteria for defining race. For example, one drop of Negro blood in America makes you a Negro, no matter how light your skin. When reporting ancient history, reverse the standard. Make one drop of white blood render someone a Caucasian no matter how dark the skin.
6. When black participation in civilization is so obvious your best schemes can’t hide it, find a way to attribute the success to outside white influence.
7. When all the ancient historians contradict your theory, seek to discredit them.
According to Foundations of Intercultural Communication by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama, to understand identity you have to understand yourself. Since identities are multiple and influenced by society, the descendants of the Diaspora, highlighted by the famously ridiculed African-American people, has fully integrated into the society of White America and every society they live within today. This development of integration has shaped the “social” identity of the people of the Diaspora. If one observes the musical, athletic, and artistic arts which includes dance, martial arts, sports (which includes running, jumping, agility, unbelievable conditioning), and musical compositions of virtually every instrument including unbelievable vocal compositions you will quickly see how important the social identity of African-Americans has become to that nation. However, with the integration of other wicked sub-identities like religious, sexual, and social identities, the ethnic identity of African-American’s is often overlooked by today’s generation for various reasons.
Some African and White American’s would just rather move on or act like it just didn’t happen. That’s fine for that individual, but a people without an ethnic identity is a people lost of values, morals, oral traditions, and cultural respect. Identity is defined in many ways and sub-categories according to the Foundations of Intercultural Communication. However, your ethnic identity is a sense of belonging to a particular group. Being called “Black” does not trace African-American’s to a particular ethnic identity. Neither does it connect to any historical culture beyond American history of “blacks.”
If you think all blacks on the landmass of Africa are Africans by ethnicity you are misled by popular European teachings that’s rooted in racism. Negro’s are not Hamitic/African by ethnicity, they are an intermixture of Asiatic and select Hamitic tribes i.e. Canaanites ((Gen. 38:6)), Egyptians ((Gen. 41:45)). The Negro’s color can be high yellow like some Asians, light brown and/or tan as some Arabs, and pitch black like some African tribes. Our facial features are vastly different, our lung capacity is scientifically proven to be different, and our athletic ability is different. The Negroid race encompasses the true Arabs, the true Israelites, some African tribes, some Asiatic tribes, Edomites. The Negro people in ethnicity is a huge people divided by royal classes then separated by clans and tribes like the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 princes of Ismael ((Gen 17:20)).
Consider: You don’t group all whites as European do you? Then why group all people of black skin as African? That’s the most elementary and prejudice speech anyone who proclaims any scholarly or highly educated background can make. That’s an elementary way to discredit yourself and your work even on a scientific basis.
1. “The Africans” – Not all blacks are African. Not all whites are European. You have “Black Europeans” who were actually kicked out of Europe or mascaraed. You have white African’s who actually are a sub-class of interbreeding between albino members for multiple generations. You have the Negroid class that represents the Israelites, Arabs, Hebrews, and some Asians; which is not ethnically African. A large majority of whites are NOT European by race they are albino’s that left the landmass of Africa generations ago to avoid persecution from the Black/Brown skin ethnic groups of Hamitic and Shemitic origin. This persecution probably occurred way before the birth of the famous Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Consider the fear surrounding Noah when he was born of albino skin. Hence, that’s why the hate between these two genetic groups is so large. There’s been hidden history regarding the hate of albino’s towards the melanated clans and ethnic groups of Hamitic and Shemitic origin. Many Chinese and Japanese are really East and South African albino’s who migrated northward to escape the witchcraft crimes that was done to them in large numbers. Hence the Japanese proverb: "For a samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood." These acts of witchcraft against albinos are still carried out today in Africa.
2. “The Blacks” – Another term that is used by many scholars that does not fully represent anyone in a specific manner. Who are the blacks and what clans do they have? Why aren’t they described specifically? Why don't “the blacks” get the same specific individualistic treatment as the “Russians” or the “Germans” or the “Turks”?
3. “Negro” – The word Negro does not apply to all Africans. That’s another misnomer that many scholars use to identify a people who have clans, classes, and tribes. Not all African’s are Negro. Not all Negro’s are African. Not all African-American’s or descendants of the Diaspora are Negro. There’s a fundamental difference with this. The hair and facial features of a person can tell you if they are “Negro” or not.
These misnomers are from people who do not understand that Africa is a landmass just as Europe is a landmass. Not all blacks are Hebrews; therefore not all blacks are of Negro descent. To identify people and properly discuss these subjects one has to have a solid knowledge on the migrations and regions these people came from.
Need More Proof? Consider:
“Jews of European origin are a mix of ancestries, with many hailing from tribes in the Caucasus who converted to Judaism and created an empire that lasted half a millennium, according to a gene study. The investigation, its author says, should settle a debate that has been roiling for more than two centuries. Jews of European descent, often called Ashkenazis, account for some 90 percent of the more than 13 million Jews in the world today. According to the so-called Rhineland Hypothesis, Ashkenazis descended from Jews who progressively fled Palestine after the Moslem conquest of 638 AD. They settled in southern Europe and then, in the late Middle Ages, about 50,000 of them moved from the Rhineland in Germany into eastern Europe, according to the hypothesis. But detractors say this idea is implausible. Barring a miracle –which some supporters of the Rhineland Hypothesis have in fact suggested — the scenario would have been demographically impossible. It would mean that the population of Eastern European Jews leapt from 50,000 in the 15th century to around eight million at the start of the 20th century. That birth rate would have been 10 times greater than that of the local non-Jewish population. And it would have occurred despite economic hardship, disease, wars and pogroms that ravaged Jewish communities. Seeking new light in the argument, a study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution, compares the genomes of 1,287 unrelated individuals who hail from eight Jewish and 74 non-Jewish populations. Geneticist Eran Elhaik of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, trawled through this small mountain of data in search of single changes in the DNA code that are linked to a group’s geographical origins. Such telltales have been used in past research to delve into the origins of the Basque people and the pygmy people of central Africa. Among European Jews, Elhaik found ancestral signatures that pointed clearly to the Caucasus and also, but to a smaller degree, the Middle East. The results, said Elhaik, give sound backing for the rival theory — the “Khazarian Hypothesis.” Under this concept, eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, a hotchpotch of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries AD and, influenced by Jews from Palestine, converted to Judaism in the 8th century. The Judeo-Khazars built a flourishing empire, drawing in Jews from Mesopotamia and imperial Byzantium. They became so successful that they sent offshoots into Hungary and Romania, planting the seeds of a great diaspora. But Khazaria collapsed in the 13th century when it was attacked by the Mongols and became weakened by outbreaks of the Black Death. The Judeo-Khazars fled westwards, settling in the rising Polish Kingdom and in Hungary, where their skills in finance, economics and politics were in demand, and eventually spread to central and Western Europe, according to the “Khazarian Hypothesis.” “We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaised Khazars, Greco-Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews and Judeans,” says Elhaik. “Their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga, with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.” Many things are unknown about the Khazars, whose tribal confederation gathered Slavs, Scythians, Hunnic-Bulgars, Iranians, Alans and Turks. But, argues Elhaik, the tale sketched in the genes is backed by archaeological findings, by Jewish literature that describes the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism, and by language, too. “Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language” before being reclassified as High German, he notes. Another pointer is that European Jews and their ancestral groups in the Caucasus and Middle East share a relatively high risk of diseases such as cystic fibrosis. The investigation should help fine-tune a fast-expanding branch of genomics, which looks at single-change DNA mutations that are linked with inherited disease, adds Elhaik.”
Need More Proof? Consider:
Black is a color and scientifically speaking there is technically no such thing as a black or white race. There’s clans, tribes, and classes of people divided into their landmass either by inheritance or migration. The most popular and recent term used to identify this ethnic group is “African-American.” Likewise, this doesn’t reconnect this ethnic group to any historical or cultural understanding beyond American history. Since Africa is 11,668,545 sq. km, compare that to the United States’ 3,678,235 sq. mi., Europe’s 3,979,405 sq. mi., and China’s 3,681,089 sq. mi. That means you could fit all three of these countries with room for more in the continent of Africa, and that’s not including North-East Africa which was most recently renamed after World War II to the Middle East.
Therefore, it’s quite evident since there’s so many places and nations within Africa which includes the Middle East that the ethnic labels of “black”, “African”, “Negro”, and “African-American” does not fully reconnect the identity or history of this ethnic group. In order to correct the problem we face within Intercultural racism we must face the issue of identity among this ethnic group. The most frowned upon term was the label “Negro.” Since the term Negro has many racial bywords connected to it, many African-American’s have pushed away from it. This term has been used to ridicule the descendants of the Diaspora across the world in every nation and culture. However, this was the most accurate term that could possibly reconnect the African-American’s to a historical and ethnic identity. Contrary to popular folk-tale the term Negro has been around for some time.
Even finding itself in ancient Hebrew manuscripts such as Acts 13. Niger in Latin means Black. The ancient term would be Nigri. The city mentioned in Acts 13 was Cyrene which was a city in Libya located in North Africa. The historian Tacitus who lived during 90 CE tells us the following: "Many assert that the Hebrew’s are a race of Ethiopian origins." A noted scholar, J.A. Rogers commented, "For the Romans to have considered them Ethiopians is a clear indication of their color, because the Ethiopians are a known black people". Tacitus also said that the Hebrew’s were Egyptians, who left Egypt during a disease outbreak.
Keep in mind that the majority of tribes and clans within Africa identified themselves with the biblical tribes mentioned in Scripture. This holds true today since many African people still go by the names written of their ancestors thousands of years ago in Scripture. Therefore, Biblical historians also noticed this phenomenal occurrence. According to the Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary pg. 330:
“(Ham) the youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, Canaanites.”
In addition, the New Standard Encyclopedia Vol. 4 states:
“(Ham) The third son of Noah, according to the tradition, Ham had four sons: Kush, Mitsrayim, Put, and Canaan. As its well know, North Africa is peopled by tribes of dark complexion but white blood. They’re known as a Hamitic group, the more important are the Barbers and Egyptians... other tribes are so intermixed with Negro blood it is difficult to say whether they are white or Negroid. However wide spread the custom, it is not correct to speak of a Negro as a son of Ham.”
This clearly shows us that many historians considered that the ethnic group identified as a Negroid race was separate from any ethnic group of Hamitic or African origin. This leads me to the history of African-Americans. Since it has been fundamentally exhausted to use the terms “black”, “African”, “African-American”, and “Negro” interchangeably with all people of black and brown skin tones, we have lumped many great cultures and dynasties into one ethnic group which is disastrous. By undermining these great cultures we demoralize their histories as well. The Bible is a good beginning point to read about the history of these aforementioned African tribes. But what about African-American history? When you look closely you will see that the Negro ethnic group is identified as an Afro-Asiatic group of people based in North Africa. The Negroid race encompasses the Arabs before the invasion of the Turks, some Asiatic tribes located in China after the Out of Africa migrations, some African tribes located in Nigeria, and a mixture of Canaanite (Gen. 38:6) and Egyptian (Gen. 41:45) bloodlines that made up some of the most famous tribes of Israel like Judah and Ephraim.
Therefore, the history of the African-American people can be traced back to a vast majority of people of Afro-Asiatic origin located throughout Africa. These people include the Ethiopian Jews, Arabs, Dravidians of India, the Israelites: Bantus – Igbo, Yoruba, Kaffir, Bo, Grebo, Maribuck, Mavumba, Akra, Fanti, Akin, Kongo, Ashanti, Hutus, Beta Yisrael, Sudan Hebrews, Bacongo, Makua, Bassa, Edom, and many other notable classes of Nilotic fashion. The Negro ancestry in the Promise Land of Israel has been a hotly debated topic for over a hundred of years between many Eurocentric historians. Between the years 1857 and 1932, the New York Times reported that a black tribe from Africa established themselves in Palestine. Keep in mind this was during an era of racism and Jim Crow laws.
Skulls and thighbones of the indigenes of this culture were unearthed and studied for the first time between 1928 and 1932. The archeological sites were first pin-pointed at Shukbah near Jerusalem and later in caves at Mount Carmel. As always happens with the discovery of the earliest African global Diaspora, the western archeologists who carried out the digs designated them with an almost meaningless and obfuscating appellation the Natufians.
This has been a reoccurring theme with many Negro discoveries related to Israel and Judaism. The first authoritative account of the first and original Black African Israelites aka the Natufian was given by Sir Arthur Keith to the congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. It was perceived then to be one of the greatest riddles of archaeology. According to Sir Arthur, these original Israelites were clearly a Black people of African descent. Keep in mind that many historians fail to identify if it’s a Negro people or African people, but according to Sir Arthur Keith’ description, it’s clearly a Negro ethnic group of people. Keep in mind that Osteological analysis gave scientific backing to this theory. They had classical West African facial features as well as doliocephalic skull index (i.e. long large heads). Sir Arthur had stated:
“Several features stand out quite definitely first the Natufians were a long-headed people – they had cap shaped occiputs (the lower back part of the head). Secondly, the dimensions or their heads were greater than in the pre-dynastic Egyptians. Thirdly, their faces were short and wide. Fourthly, they were prognathous (with projecting jaws). Fifthly, their nasal bones were not narrow and high, but formed a wide, low arch. Sixthly, their chins were not prominent, but were masked by the fullness of the teeth-bearing parts of the jaw. Many of them were short and stocky with remarkable developed thighs and legs. They also had a custom of extracting the two upper central incisor teeth of their women.”
On a lighter note, it is recalled that some eminent Eurocentric scholars had taken exception to Sir Arthurs conjectures. The late Pleistocene Natufian sample from Israel is the source from which that Neolithic spread was derived, there was clearly a sub-Saharan African element present of almost equal importance as the Late Prehistoric Eurasian element. Unlike any present race, these original African Israelites may have been ancestors of all the later day Semites including the later day African-Americans, Jews, and Arabs of the biblical times in Sir Arthur’s opinion. The close connections of those original African Israelites to the wider Mediterranean coastal civilizations are underlined by noted physical and cultural resemblances between the two populations. Larry Angel (1972) noted:
“One can identify Negroid traits of nose and prognathism appearing in Natufian latest hunters. The Natufians had physical and cultural affinities with the Neolithic or late Stone Age men of Malta (the founding people of the Aegean and Greek cultures) and the remoter Aurignacian men of Southern Europe (who established much of the modern European stratum). Linkages have also been noted between the African Israelites and the ancient Ur of the Chaldees and the prehistoric man of South Africa.”
Since the discovery by Sir Arthur, many Eurocentric historians and Archeologists have pressed forward to search for more evidence in an effort to discredit this finding. That has led many to West Africa where recent discoveries was made that before the Arab Slave trade began, and before Islam conquered North Africa with its Jihad’s, that the majority of West Africa had built "Jewish" Hebrew Kingdoms and flourished for a thousand years. This has led many Historians to believe that the original inhabitants of "Jewish" Hebrew Kingdoms was actually from Israel. In addition, many Historians are now turning to Africa to look for any traces of Biblical evidence the Ark of Noah. In Rudolph R. Windsor’s book From Babylon to Timbuktu, on page 84, he accurately states:
“In the year 65 B.C. The Roman armies under General Pompey captured Jerusalem. In 70 A.D. General Vespasian and his son, Titus, put an end to the Jewish state, with great slaughter. During the period of the military governors of Palestine, many outrages and atrocities were committed against the residue of the people. During the period from Pompey to Julius, it has been estimated that over 1 million Jews (Israelites) fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and slavery. The slave markets were full of Black Jewish slaves. The Jewess, Kahena, Queen of the Berbers, leading the armies of the consolidated Berber tribes against the invading armies of the Arab mercenaries in the year 694.”
If this history is taught within the communities of the descendants of the Diaspora highlighted by the African-Americans, it will begin to resolve the many issues that are rooted in self-destruction taught by generations of mental Slavery, sub-standard education, and sub-standard living conditions based off of Torah-less behavior. With this self-awareness the people of the Diaspora will reconnect to their ethnic identity and history.
Works Cited
Altaf, Simon. Hidden Truths Hebraic Scrolls. 2013 Print.
Williams, Chancellor. The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. Chicago: Third World, 1987. Print.
Thomas K. Nakayama, and Judith N. Martin. Foundations of Intercultural Communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2010. Print.
Windsor, Rudolph R. From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of Ancient Black Races including the Black Hebrews. [S.l.]: Authorhouse, 2011. Print.
BONES OF CANNIBALS A PALESTINE RIDDLE; Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES; New York Times 1857; Aug 4, 1932; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 – 2003) pg. 21
"Gene Study Hopes to Settle Debate over Origin of European Jews | The Raw Story." Gene Study Hopes to Settle Debate over Origin of European Jews | The Raw Story. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2013.
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